
Showing posts from August, 2020

What You Need to Know about Twilight Kin

  What you need know about Twilight Kin: Greetings my friends!   Since none of us have ever played against a Twilight Kin army, I just wanted to give you a quick overview of the list.   I hope it helps when you are playing. My chart: A)      Hard:   A must have powerful unit B)       Strong:   A very good unit that has some small flaws C)       Average unit (think Kingdoms of Men Shieldwall) D)      Weak: A unit projects little or no threat or is rare.     Impalers:   Impalers are a lot like Elven Guard units.   Hit on 3s with Crushing One with Eite.   Their armor and morale is average.   They are pretty fast though with Movement 6.   Threat:   Strong Tallspears: Same as Elven Spearmen, normally encountered with the Hammer of Measured Force or a Bane Chanter nearby Threat:   Average BladeDancers:   Re...

Against the Fish: An Army Overview of the Trident Realms

Against the Fish: An Army Overview of the Trident Realm By Visibly Reilly and The Atchman This is an overview of the Trident Realm army. We created it to help players defeat the menace from the deep.   I am going to use a slightly different rating system than I used on my last overview. This time I am going to also rate the likely frequency of appearance, and each unit’s primary role which will result in three ratings. Rating System: Power Rating: ·          Hard: High Damage Output (High number of attacks at high CS or TC) ·          Strong: Above Average Damage Output (Elite infantry that hits on 3 or above average number of attacks) ·          Average unit (e.g. Shield Wall, Elven Tallspears, Lower Abyssals) ·          Weak: A unit that projects little or no threat Frequency of Appearance: ·  ...