What You Need to Know about Twilight Kin
What you need know about Twilight Kin: Greetings my friends! Since none of us have ever played against a Twilight Kin army, I just wanted to give you a quick overview of the list. I hope it helps when you are playing. My chart: A) Hard: A must have powerful unit B) Strong: A very good unit that has some small flaws C) Average unit (think Kingdoms of Men Shieldwall) D) Weak: A unit projects little or no threat or is rare. Impalers: Impalers are a lot like Elven Guard units. Hit on 3s with Crushing One with Eite. Their armor and morale is average. They are pretty fast though with Movement 6. Threat: Strong Tallspears: Same as Elven Spearmen, normally encountered with the Hammer of Measured Force or a Bane Chanter nearby Threat: Average BladeDancers: Re...